Day 3 – “I Don’t Know, The Way of Knowing.”


Thanks for coming back to peek at the backstage area of my 30 day journey in learning to truly LOVE what IS.  In one of her sessions, Katie says to someone, (paraphrasing) “It’s not about sort of liking what is, or accepting what is, this work is about truly Loving What Is.

It’s not about Loving what we’d like things to be like, but about Loving what Is… right here and now. Simple concept right? And yet how often do we live in a state of wanting things to be different, in even the smallest way?

Here is the link to the free worksheet available on Byron Katie’s website. It is worth millions!

A great companion book to this work is, “I Don’t Know, The Way of Knowing,” by Dr. D.E. Paulk. It seems to me, to be a great companion to the Byron Katie work of questioning our thoughts to open the door to personal expansion and true happiness.

I am Grateful for the opportunity and technology that make it possible for us to share our journeys. I am enriched when I log on and see someone else’s process with this work because ultimately, we are all one.



PS. I’m still revisiting part one of The Oprah Interview with Katie. Just scroll down to yesterday’s post to get the link.

4 thoughts on “Day 3 – “I Don’t Know, The Way of Knowing.”

  1. Frank

    So true that a lot of conversational statements are spoken as facts when they are really just ideas.

    Many people seem to respond to absolute statements with eagerness. As if the statement relieves them a need to question.

    Like if you watch Bill Maher. His guests talk (usually) with a sense of knowing. But they might not really know. It just feels good to act as if you are certain., right Rush Limbaugh?

    It takes a lot of courage to understand you don’t know, yet still be OK about that. It also sets the stage for others to be opportunistic to your perceived vulnerability. If they only knew the strength in not knowing. 🙂

    1. Thank you Frank.

      It is true (at least I think it is :->) that it takes a certain amount of courage to admit to ourselves that we do not know, for certain, if our thoughts are true, and even more to admit it to others.

      But when we realize the power in discovering new horizons in our willingness to question our boundaries, the whole world opens up to us.

      Imagine if all of the world leaders got together and said, “Wow, I don’t know if the way we’ve been running the world is really the best way to go about this thing.”

      LOL… I’d love to be a fly on the wall at THAT World Summit.

  2. Christine Ruddy


    Well, I bought the book and have been reading it, slowly. One piece that I think may not be shining through in the interviews is the idea of writing down the thoughts and judgements. I guess our minds are quite crafty at redirecting our thoughts when we try to do The Work simply in our minds. There is a whole section on writing down your thoughts and then going back and doing the inquiry.

    My mind has been a bit of a ping pong match as well! Thanks for sharing your experience with us!


    1. Thank YOU Christine, for engaging with me on this experiment!
      You’ve inspired me to create a special notebook of worksheets (I’m printing them from the website) from The Work.

      What you wrote resonates as true for me, based on my own experience of seeing the mind try to outsmart the heart. 🙂

      YOU are a blessing!!

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